Saturday, December 6, 2014

Second Sunday of Advent

The Mass as the Bridge between the
First and Second “Comings” of Christ
Part II

The figure of St. John the Baptist appears in the gospel today on this Second Sunday of Advent.  What do we know about John?  We know that he comes from elderly parents (an indication of a prophet in line with the prophets of old); he leaps in the womb of St. Elizabeth when Our Lady comes near (who is pregnant with Our Lord); he wears the clothing of a prophet (camel hair) and eats modestly (honey and locusts — yum!); and he comes at a time when many are not expecting the Messiah.  And what is his message?  John [the] Baptist appeared in the desert proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Mk 1:4).

This message is appropriate for Advent because repentance is necessary to greet the Lord Jesus.  However, repentance is also imperative for preparing ourselves to meet the Lord Jesus in every Mass.  The Mass is essentially composed of two major parts, the “Liturgy of the Word” and the “Liturgy of the Eucharist.”  The first part of the Mass is preparation for the second part.  When we come to the church, it is always good to greet our brothers and sisters in the narthex (or the outside patio at St. Leo’s).  However, it is important that we enter the church at least five minutes early.  Once we are in the church proper, we should spend time recollecting ourselves by kneeling or sitting reverently and praying.

When Mass begins, we stand as a sign of respect.  The ministers enter: incense first (a sign of adoration), then cross (the sign of our salvation) sometimes flanked by two candle bearers (the light of Christ), then the deacon carrying the Book of the Gospels (words and works of Christ), and finally the priest who is “in the person of Christ the Head.”  Processions were common in the Old Testament, and as we sing the entrance antiphon or hymn during this procession, we are echoing the people who sang ‘Hosanna!’ at the glorious entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.  When the priest reaches the altar, he and the deacon(s) kiss the altar as a sign of reverence, and the altar is incensed because it is the object used for sacrifice and it represents Christ Himself.

The Mass continues with the Sign of the Cross, a reminder that we are gathered by the Most Holy Trinity and that the Holy Cross is our only hope.  (By the way, only the priest says, “In the Name . . .”; your response is “Amen”.)  The priest then greets the people based on a formula of St. Paul: “The Lord be with you,” etc.  The response “And with your spirit” is a desire that the priest receive peace from the Spirit he received at ordination.  The priest then invites us to acknowlege our sins — to repent (as St. John the Baptist preaches).  We should use the period of silence to think about our sins and unworthiness.  When we say the Confiteor (“I confess”), we need to mean it.  The priest invokes once again God’s mercy after we say this prayer together, and then we chant “Lord, have mercy” in English or in Greek (the language of the NT), Kyrie, eleison.  We sing the Gloria only on Sundays outside of Advent and Lent.  It is based on the joyful hymn of the Angels at the birth of Christ and was formulated as early as the Second Century.  Afterwards, the priest sings or says, “Let us pray,” and gives us another opportunity for silent recollection.  We should really think about what we want in this Mass, and then listen attentively to the words of the prayer as the priest says or chants it — to make his words our words.

If we really focus on paying attention during the first part of Mass and avoid “zoning out,” we will find that we really “get something out of it” and that we will encounter Christ in the readings and preaching of the priest.  To prepare the way of the Lord at the start will help assure a welcome reception of Jesus in the second part of Mass when He enters into our bodies and souls at Holy Communion.

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