This Sunday's readings can be found here.
On Wednesday afternoon, I was in my rectory working on a homily for a wedding. In the background on my computer, I was listening to a live stream from the Vatican. I heard the crowd start to scream, so I clicked on my browser and lo, there was white smoke coming out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel! It was unreal.
I waited patiently for the ceremonial to start with the marching of the Swiss Guard, Vatican police and Italian military branches. It seemed like forever before the lights came on in the loggia in the façade of St. Peter’s Basilica. (Of course, the Italians are masters of suspense!). Then the cardinal MC announced the new pope, Jorge Bergoglio, and the chosen name “Francis.” I received a text from a priest-friend that read, “Rebuild my church.”
Indeed, the name chosen is very significant. St. Francis of Assisi received these words from the crucifix in a weathered church in a rustic, old Italian town. And yet, the obedience of this saint to the command of Christ would be so great that we still appreciate his contribution today. We know that there are many “firsts” with this new pope: first Latino, first Jesuit, first “Francis”; first to ask for a blessing from the people immediately upon being elected. These all indicate that Pope Francis is going to be a reformer, a strong leader, and hopefully a saint.
Of course, no pope has the authority to change Christ’s teachings as handed on by the Church, but there is need for a renewal in the Catholic Church today — for the “New Springtime” to start bearing fruit. We must pray that Pope Francis has the strength to do God’s will, to overcome political pressure that pushes him left or right, and to continue to bring about healing from past sins committed by leaders of the Church. Pope Francis needs our prayers so that his ministry will be as fruitful and effective as was the one whose name he has chosen to begin his papacy.
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