Which kind of love?
The day's readings can be found here.
Jesus says in the gospel today, “I give you a new commandment: love one another” (John 13:34). This is probably one of the most popular of Christian doctrines, yet it is probably the most misunderstood (and ignored!). The word “love” has been so banalized in our contemporary culture that its true meaning has been lost. What is the difference between the “love” I have for chocolate versus the “love” I have for my God? Or, what is the difference between the “love” I have for a dog versus the “love” I have for my wife?
A major problem in making effective distinctions of love is that there is really only one word for love in the English language. In Greek there are many words indicating the different types of loves. For a scholarly yet accessible treatment on the subject, I recommend reading Pope Benedict XVI’s 2005 encyclical Deus Caritas Est (“God is love” which can be read online for free. For something easily readable as well as entertaining, I recommend C.S. Lewis’ 1960 masterpiece The Four Loves.
Lewis divides human love into four categories, and he says “the highest does not stand without the lowest.” The first and most basic form of love is “affection” (storge), and it is expressed when we find something in common with others. The second form of love is “friendship” (phileo), and this is love between friends. (Lewis believes the meaning of true friendship like that of David and Jonathan has been lost in modern society.) The third form of love is “romance” (eros), which Lewis describes as “being in love” with someone while not always being sexual. The fourth and highest form of love is “unconditional love” (agape) that brings forth caring regardless of circumstance.
When Jesus tells us that we must love one another as He has loved us, Jesus is asking us to love unconditionally (with agape). As we continue to rejoice at the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we might ask ourselves: Am I being faithful to this commandment of Jesus? Do I love unconditionally?
P.S. Please pray for the Catholic community of Mary, Queen of Heaven in Malakoff, Texas. They lost their church to an accident and subsequent fire on Thursday.